Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Advicee to the future of AHS..

Mainly to future Seniors...
Guys, live it up.
Like seriously today was NerdDay and it was sooo much fun.
That's one of those Senior activities that happen only once and if you don't do it then you're lameeeee lol

Yea there's gonna be alot of stresses b/c of college and getting all your credits and getting great grades, and making sure you're well-rounded.

But while you're doing all that, have fun with it.

Join clubs you KNOW you'll like, do all the fundraisers you can for your class so you can have all the things for homecoming and prom and things like that.

Yea right now you're like "f.ck highschool, i can't wait to leave"
but when you think about it, senior year is your last year of really seeing/hanging out with your friends EVERYDAY. No pep rallys, or nerd days, or early release, or homecoming, or any highschool fun after that.

So have fun, don't do anything that will get you in trouble!
and Graduate of course :)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

So why did we just spend 2 hours here?..

So i understand that going to college is important.
And if you get signed for a football scholarship that's great, but do we really have to adjust everybody's schedule for one person?

That's great that he got a scholarship; I'm not surprised but honestly a TV Crew?

What I DON'T understand is last year and the year before we've had people get signed to school for football scholarships, and they had to do it in the library, and w/o their whole class around them.
So why does Chickillo get the whole TV Crew and our senior class squished in the gym.
What are we his entourage?
I don't get it and it pisses me off, why did we have to sit there for an HOUR and watch him?

and then I had to sit next to some annoying ass ppl.
This guy was pissing me off I was about to slap him upside the head.
He kept saying the dumbest shit and would NOT shutup! I don't even know how he made it to be a senior. SMH. 

All I wanted to know was info about prom, homecoming, grad bash, senior actives, graduation, and such. I could care less about Chickillo going to Miami.
That's cute that he wants to continue the "legacy" of his grandpa and dad but he could've done that without us. 
-Just Sayin


Saturday, September 4, 2010


So why is it that so many people expect so much out of us?
Us as in teenagers or "the youth".
Older people always say how we have to so good to still be young and to enjoy our youth.
But how is that possible if so many people ask of you and there's so much stress in your life that it's impossible to stay sane.

In my opinion they need to realize that they had it easy back then.
They didn't have to deal with as much as we do now.
Like looking for a job, trying to keep your job or keeping your grades up, and taking AP and honor classes, and just trying to graduate.

It takes alot out of you.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Ever get that feeling that you're about to dieeeee?
well I do.

everything hurts, literally.
I'm draineddddd. School has sucked the LIFE out of me, no lie.
And being outside in the sun afterschool for 2 hours doesn't help at all.

i feel like this

ugh, give me something to blog about...

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Why is food so amazing? lol I'm so serious though. I could eat something and be full and then look at a brownie and eat it and end up having a food baby -_-

Florida needs to make up it's damn mind.
All Summer it rained, then the first week of school it was rainy&humid, and these past 2 days I thought my face was gonna melt off.
Like seriously now I remember why I hate it so much here -_-
And going to an outside school doesn't make things easier >:O

And I'm so close to punching a teacher in the face.
I've had homework non-stop since the 2nd day of school.


Monday, August 30, 2010

No I'm not switching to Tumblr...

ummm, so alot of things have been going on in my life that's hard to explain and I'm just lazy.
I'm not making this a substitute of my diary like I kind of did last time. I'll reflect on things that irritate me/excite me/make me happy; all those emotions and whatnot.

Senioritis. It's dangerous, and I have it -_-
School is such a joke right now, it's not even worth laughing at.
The school system thinks that they're all tough with all these new rules and blah blah.
By the 4th week everyone will be back to normal watch. -_-
I can't wait to leavee.

Now I've been out of middle school for awhile now, but I'm pretty sure the chonga days were done&over with....I guess not. This school year, Alonso has been invaded.
Idk where they came from but it's scarryyyy.

There was this girl today with her bangs slicked so smoothly to her head; I had to take a double-take.

Can someone PLEASE tell me what kind of gel they use?!
That is ridiculousss

or maybe it's more along the lines of

other than that I have like 98765432345 lbs of homework to do every night.
So i should do that.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Nov.27: WTF?!

Guess who went to see New Moon?
Yea, that's right ME!

I know, who would've thought?!
lol, but it was pretty good.

I have one thing to say about it: Taylor Lautner is a sexy beasttttttttt!!!!!

Omg, that boy is mmmmmmm-amzingggg!
ahhhh, words can't describe it!
I'm getting goosebumps now just thinking about it, lmao ;)

But other than that. I was so mad at the way it ended.

How are you gonna leave us in suspense like that!?

(If I find a video I'll put it up)

But it ends like this:

Edward: "will you marry me?"
Bella: *gasp*

Me and Rosanna just walked up and left.

I was so mad that it ended like that, like you don't understand.
Wtf was that about?! Bullshit!

I started yelling at the screen, like seriously.
I didn't even see the first one so wthell was that about?!

Now I HAVE to go see the 3rd one and they're probably gonna do it again to make me go see the last one.
That was ridiculous.


My thought: Jacob is HOTTTTT