Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Advicee to the future of AHS..

Mainly to future Seniors...
Guys, live it up.
Like seriously today was NerdDay and it was sooo much fun.
That's one of those Senior activities that happen only once and if you don't do it then you're lameeeee lol

Yea there's gonna be alot of stresses b/c of college and getting all your credits and getting great grades, and making sure you're well-rounded.

But while you're doing all that, have fun with it.

Join clubs you KNOW you'll like, do all the fundraisers you can for your class so you can have all the things for homecoming and prom and things like that.

Yea right now you're like "f.ck highschool, i can't wait to leave"
but when you think about it, senior year is your last year of really seeing/hanging out with your friends EVERYDAY. No pep rallys, or nerd days, or early release, or homecoming, or any highschool fun after that.

So have fun, don't do anything that will get you in trouble!
and Graduate of course :)

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