Friday, November 27, 2009

Nov.27: WTF?!

Guess who went to see New Moon?
Yea, that's right ME!

I know, who would've thought?!
lol, but it was pretty good.

I have one thing to say about it: Taylor Lautner is a sexy beasttttttttt!!!!!

Omg, that boy is mmmmmmm-amzingggg!
ahhhh, words can't describe it!
I'm getting goosebumps now just thinking about it, lmao ;)

But other than that. I was so mad at the way it ended.

How are you gonna leave us in suspense like that!?

(If I find a video I'll put it up)

But it ends like this:

Edward: "will you marry me?"
Bella: *gasp*

Me and Rosanna just walked up and left.

I was so mad that it ended like that, like you don't understand.
Wtf was that about?! Bullshit!

I started yelling at the screen, like seriously.
I didn't even see the first one so wthell was that about?!

Now I HAVE to go see the 3rd one and they're probably gonna do it again to make me go see the last one.
That was ridiculous.


My thought: Jacob is HOTTTTT

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Nov.6: This is a serious issue.

Hey, I'm back...because I'm pissed.
I'm sure all of you know about the protest that went on today in front of Alonso.
Oh My GOD.
yea, i said GOD. Apparently these people are not too fond of him.

I watched them, and it was just amazing how they only had 4 people, a couple of signs.
But their impact was so big.

How can you say

Seeing signs like those mad me so upset.
Why do people think like that?
Why do they have so much hatred towards others?
And the fact that they flew all the way from Topeka, Kansas just nothing!
Is dumb, they live off of other people's money.

They were looking for trouble.
I'm really proud of Trez for going against them a protesting about equality.

let me say it again.......EVERYONEEEEEE.
Everyone is equal, whether you're black, white, hispanic, Jewish, Buddhist, Christian, gay, bi, metro, a boy or a girl.
We're all the same.

I didn't want to pay much attention to them, but once I saw them.
They ruined my day.
It was horrible.

And the little kids that grow up around that type of life?
Who knows what the next generation will be like.
Really? They went too far with that.

They have a website.
I'm not gonna give them the satisfaction of giving it to you.
But if you look at the first sign picture and put a ".com"
You'll find it.


My thought: SMHH -_-

Thursday, July 2, 2009


This Blog.
Completely forgotten.
welll, not really.
I just never had time.
And then my camera was out to repair for like a month.
& then I lost the USB for my camera.
So by the time I got a new one I had to have it mailed to me in Jersey (which I am currently in now).

Ask me how I am?
Myspace it.
or AIM.
either way.

I'm sorry Juan.
& Jenee too, a strong follower.

One thing I will tell you.
This is Randolph.
Well, you can call him Kiko.
My boyfriend.
LongDistance love.

Anyways, i'll go on and on and on and on about this.
so just ask me personally =]

I've never been happier.

<3 Giselle.Marie

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Day90: May 16. what is this? a hotel?!

Alright, Saturday.
I'm didn't do much today.

Went to WalMart to develop pics.
& that's it.

Two of my relatives from DR flew in today, i knew they were coming.
But then my uncle came from Ft. Lauderdale, with the wife, kid, and niece.
So I was just like, wtf?
Does my house look like a hotel to you?!

I have to wait hand&foot on these ppl, that is NOT how I roll.

Somebody's gonna get the boot.

Guess where my brother is at this moment?
At a party!
Nigguh has been partyin for 2 nights straight!
He was at some baseball award thing in Clearwater, he came back, took a shower&got dressed QUICK, and left.

I was like where are you going?
He said, "to a party." All casual and shit.

This aggravates me, I should be the one out; not him.

It must be opposite day.

<3 Giselle.Marie

QOD: "I got a red umbrella that matches. You want it?" -Papi
"Sure, I'll look cool." -Bebe

My Thought: Nahh bihhh

Day89: May 15. TGIF

Thank the Lord it's Friday!
School has been such a drag the whole week because of the AP Exam.

So my brother had his 8th Grade Dance today.
& he was all excited actin like he looked all cute and stuff.
mmmm, middle-schoolers -_-

He's all grown up, literally.
He's only 13 man.

He'll be @ Alonso nxt yr, I'm scared.

So yea, while he was out partying, I was stuck at poker.
*sigh* yea I was pretty bored.

I found out Jasmin&Chris broke up, so sad...

I fixed my MySpace that night, go check it out.

<3 Giselle.Marie

QOD: ....

My Thought: Get a life bruss..

Day88: May 14. the time has come.

AP World History Exam today.
Here we go, 4 hours, in a cold gym; with nothing but 3pencils&pens and our brains.

55minutes to answer 70 multiple choice?
I don't think so, I didn't finish. "/
I got to #62,; at least I did better than Reese, she got to #55.

And then 3hours to do 3 essays.
It was horribleeeeee.

I don't even want to think about it anymore.

So after the Exam, we could leave school.
So me, Jasmin,& Ale went to Ilisha's house.

We stopped at Publix to stock up on food.

Junk food, that is.

& her mama bought 2 pizzas to add to that.

It was badddd, I felt like I gained 5 pounds from eating all that.

We chilled there for most of the day.
But I got picked up to go to Kissimmee to do what?
My hair.

Yea, I just got a perm and cut it, no biggie.

<3 Giselle.Marie

QOD: "Ya can't come to my house anymore, it's bad for ya health." -Ilisha

My Thought: Peeing makes you loose a couple pounds.

Day87: May 13. weirdo

Normal day, until French came along.

Martin was doing a "survey" about the top 3 things people think about everyday.
Most of the guys he asked answered, "pussy, sex, money" (or something like that).
Yea, he asked me, and I don't really think about boys 24/7.
It's not that surprising, for girls; it depends on the mood we're in.

Guys&Girls are completely different.

So me, Ilisha, and Ale went to her house after school to "study".
yea, that didn't turn out so good....

I've never ever seen this side of Ilisha

She was sanging.

This is why we can never get anything done.

<3 Giselle.Marie

QOD: "I have the body of a GOD, too bad it's Buddha."-Ivan

My Thought: I'm scared shitless.

Day86: May 12. i'm meltingg!!!

Happy Birthday Mr. Norton!!
I love how Norton didn't even tell us it was his birthday!
But that's expected from him.

It was sooooo damnnnn hot today.
Like, unbelievably hot.
You could cook an egg on the roof of a car.

it would've been a perfect day at the beach, but certainly not at school.

Juan started talking about his stepdad in French; and he happens to be Dominican (i like him already).
So I guess it's true that Dominicans say cono alot.

It's just another way to say "damn it", or "fuck!!", or "omg!", or even "shit!"

I think everyone should have at least 10 Dominican friends and hang with them for a whole day.
You'll have fun.

<3 Giselle.Marie

QOD: "Cover up your boobs! You wanna get pregnant?!" -Ilisha

My Thought: Should I go bald?

Friday, May 15, 2009

Day85: May 11. taking risks

I decided to wear a tanktop today.
OOOooooOOO, scary right?

I th9ink schools should take out the "no tanktops no shorts" dress code when the spring comes.
If they haven't noticed, we live in FLORIDA; The SunShine State.
It gets pretty damn hot down here.

Surprisingly, I didn't get caught.
I really thought I was so I was being paranoid the whole day, hiding behind people and putting my hair over my shoulders.
But no APs got me.


Fuck, ExamExemptions came out today.
I have an F in math, wtf.
that means I can't exempt ANYTHING!

I have to birng it up by any means necessary.

<3 Giselle.Marie

QOD: ?

My Thought: It better rain soon.

Day84: May 10. shake what ya mama gave ya..

Happy Mother's Day!
so yea, here's to all the moms, aunts, grandmas, sisters; blah blah.

We went out to Bahama Breeze (yet again) to eat.
That place was packed, ppl were willing to wait over an ho0ur to get there food; and we were one of them.

We had a 90 min. wait; so we decided to take pics.

They were giving out a rose to all the mothers; so I guess I looked like a mother that day because I got one too.

It was pretty damn insulting.
Were they saying that I looked old?
Or that I look like I'm pregnant?
or maybe I look like one of those dumb high school dropouts that get knocked up and keep their baby?

idk, you tell me.

Other than that, the inside of Bahama Breeze is pretty amazing.

Hope you enjoyed your Mother's Day, well not YOURS exactly, get the point.

<3 Giselle.Marie

QOD: "There are mothers your age, you never know." -Papi

My Thought: I do look old for my age...."/

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Day83: May 9. unorganization...

So today was SUPPOSED to be beach day.
But of course being Dominican, we were unplanned, and didn't know who was going or when;
so we didn't go.

So ended up doing some catching up to do.
My Online Chemistry class.
Not fun; at all!

I watched this comdiean named Kyle Dunnigan with my bro.
Dude is funnyyyy.

just watch.

& today's Friday right?
So yea, I'm at poker right now.
I wonder when it will stop, maybe never, maybe when they all die or something.

<3 Giselle.Marie

QOD: "We didn't work out. I'm a Gemini...she's a whore." -Kyle Dunnigan

My Thought: we need to set up a schedule or something.

Day82: May 8. food poisoning?

uggh, today was horribleeeeeee.
My stomach was hurtin.
(my guess was from the banquet)

It wasn't so bad that I couldn't walk but I was STILL pretty full.

So Lunch comes around; that's when it happened, I ate lunch.

My stomach couldn't handle it.
I was dyingggggg.
I felt like I had the worst cramps in the worlddddddddd.
I couldn't sit up right, I couldn't walk, I felt like I was gonna throw up.

F.cking school.
with their uncooked meals.
Ugh, ima I'm not.

<3 Giselle.Marie

QOD: "So Giselle, is that a 'no'?" -Martin
"It will ALWAYS be a NO!" -me

My Thought: Erik I swear, if you give him my #.......

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Day81: May 7. grub grub.

So today school was normal, I think
Don't remember much.

But after school me&Ale went to Leto HS for Carlito's Culinary Banquet.

My whole perspective of Leto changed, it's a really good school.
They have culinary & cosmetology classes; I wish we had that at Alonso

There kitchen is like, what you see on Food Network.

I wanted to see the Salon but we forgot.

We grubbedddddd.
Like my stomach was hurtin after everything we ate.
I felt like I could be full for weeks.
It was so good.

I didn't bring my camera so we dealt with Ale's phone&Carlito's camera.

They call her "Chef"

Now me&Ale want to transfer to Leto.
But only like 3 times a week.

<3 Giselle.Marie

QOD: "You're not as me" -Carlito

My Thought: They peer pressured me into having seconds.

Day77-80: May 3-6. blank..

So, it happened again.
I don't remember anything.

I didn't write anything down in my phone either.
Damn bro.
I feel dumb.

<3 Giselle.Marie

QOD: ...

My Thought: ...

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Day76: May 2. burnt toast.

TODAY was beach day.

It was Me, Ale, Edith, Jasmin, & of course Carlito.

We got to the beach at like 10am, shit was emptttyyyyy.

Carlito&Ale had this goal of getting tan, like my color.


They had baby oil and tanning oil; the works.

It was in and out of the water.
We were there from 10am-3pm.


So we have a tradition of burying Carlito in the sand whenever we go to the beach.
This time we went a little overboard.


Don't mind his boobs flapping around.


So after the beach, we dropped Jasmin off&went to the pool.
Like we needed more water.

Oh yeah my bro came too.

We were jammin to my iPod radio.
& then "She Got a Donk" came on.
Ohhh My Lord.
Edith is a freak

omg, I was TRYING to do the "JJ"; but Edith's lil nasty self took the spotlight!
+ my bottoms were falling.

yo, my bro and Carlito got some donks.

"Birthday Sex" is our jammmmmm.

<3 Giselle.Marie

QOD: ....

My Thought: Water makes you tired.