Friday, February 27, 2009

Day12: Feb 27. countryyassss...

Sooo todayy was crazyy fun!

Happy Dominican Independence Day!

Lemme just say that the only reason I hate
this day is because all the country dominicans
come out and start beatin on the drums and stuff.
but it's so funnyy!!

Happy Anniversary Rosanna!
Today is our 1 year and 6 month

Today was a good day I guess.
but everyone kept asking me,
"is today Dominican Day or something?"

like look around, OBVIOUSLY if there's a bunch of
brown ppl walking around wearing Dominican flags.

We watched

Monster House.
in French today.

& the little pudgy boy in the movie.

looks like Mike!!!!!

awwwww, it was so funnnyy.

Later that night.....

We went to the movies and sawww.

& whoever says it's not good, it's good.
Madea is soooo funnnyy!

so the movie ended at like 12:30ish
so we went outside.
and we were there until 2am waiting for a ride

but as you can see...we had fun with our time. =]

I hate being cramped in a car
like Mexicanss!!

ily my friends.

<3 Giselle.Marie

QOD: "Puertoooooo Ricoooooo!!!!" -Mark

My Thought: them country ass dominicannnss.....

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Day11: Feb 26. pathetic ass...

I'm getting really sick&tired of my voice.
I can't stand it.
f.cking go to helllll.

Other than that i had a pretty bad day.
Reese ain't bring Unit 8 for AP World so that'll probably bring
my grade down to a C.
thx Reese -_-

ok so I never thought I would ever meet
a more pathetic guy, until I met Tony.

If you don't know Tony

he's Rosanna's ex.

He is so pathetic.
He goes out with 5 girls (that look alike&know each other!) at the same time.
He has girls in different counties.
He causes all this drama.
& he's asked at least 5 girls to prom(all rejected) when he has a girlfriend!!!!


He still txts all his exes (including Rosanna) saying,
"Hey you wanna skip with me today?"
"Let's talk"
"I still have feelings for you"
"Eat lunch with me today"
"Let's get together this weekend"

mind you, he has a GIRLFRIEND!!

& she's making the same mistakes
by braking up with him
&taking him back.

I have nothing against her, but I do against Mr. Tony Young

He's a "Gigaho"

He puts everyone through all this bullshit.
Get a life.

& stop txting me!!!!
yea he txts me too, when he KNOWS I hate his ass!

I'm so amused
<3 Giselle.Marie

& btw, I could care less if he sees this
or someone else does and tells him.
try me.

QOD: "What if I pushed you off a cliff?" -Reese

My Tought: LMFAOOOO!!!! people nowadayss....

Jenee made my dayyy!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Day10: Feb 25. wowwww...wooww....

I sound like a boy that's going through puberty.
(just thought I'd put that out there)

So idk the deal with my school
& Blood Drives.
We have at least 5 a yr. & they're always like,
"Make it the biggest one yet!"

Do they not realize that we are just kids,
and we need most of our blood to keep growing?
They take so much & people faint and get nauseous, it's scary.

There were like 4 of these bad boys.

Not to say I'm not gonna give blood next year.
But some ppl do it EVERY blood drive.

I'm having some "complications" in my life.
Let's just put it like that.

Today we went to the park.
By "we" I mean: me, Ale, Ilisha!, Jenee, and the crazy lil girls.

Can you guess who?

hint hint* J.L.W.

Oh! Ale got a new phoneeee!!!

I'm so proud of her! :'( (tears of joy)

<3 Giselle.Marie

QOD: "Whoopi Goldberg doesn't have eyebrows?!" - Ilisha
"Do you feel like you're alive?" -Reese

My Thought: did I really fix it.....?

Day9: Feb 24. idr...

I don't remember much of this day.

Rosanna lost her voice completely.
Like she woke up and it was gone.
& like I'm the only one that understood her? Idk I thought it was weird.

My voice was starting to dwindle down into nothingness.

Wow I really completely forgot this day.

<3 Giselle.Marie

QOD: .........
My Thought: I really can't believe I forgot a whole day! lmao.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Day8: Feb 23. under a rock?..

Horrible day.
Didn't want to go to school.
I was so sick, I could barley walk.

I don't really remember anything expect 3rd per.
We had a sub so our class went crazy.
We beat up this kid Gigi.
That's what he gets for stealin my nickname.

So I told my mother to sign me out of school by 12:20.
(which means like 12:15, 12:25-ish)
But not 1:15!, 7th per. sucked.

On my way out from school there was a random bird.
It scared the snot out of me (lol)
I thought it was gonna attack

<3 Giselle.Marie

QOD: "Who's Tyler Perry?" -Breanna

My Thought: I feel so bad for her. She was dead serious. She lives under a rock.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Day7: Feb 22. ifeel like dying...

Happy Birthday Tia Margarita!!

soo besides that; i have the worst sickness in the world.
idk what i have.
but it involves a stuffy nose, headaches, shivering, and a mean ass sore throat.
i sound like a man when i talk; and a banshee when i scream!

so since it was sundayy; we had Sweet 16 practice.
which made me worse.
omg I wanted to die.

After that; me, Bebe, Rosanna, & Ale went to Ale's house.

We met up with Jenee to go to the park
because we saw allll these black boys and we were happpyy!

but when we got there; all the fine "blackies" had gone
& we were left with the uglies. "/

& i got even more sick from being outside.

<3 Giselle.Marie

QOD: "Get it right, get it tight boo boo." -Jenee

My Thought: I hate when my mom's right.

Day6: Feb 21. home sweet home.

I didn't do anything.
stayed home all Saturday.
barely saw daylight.

it was my first day of me getting sick.
ugghhh. :(

<3 Giselle.Marie

My Thought: I hate being home.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Day5: Feb 20. exaggeration much?

School was dumb.
I saw no point in it at all.
I had like 4 tests, ridiculoussss.

Afterschool was no better.
I had my band performance which I was nervous
about and thought we did kinda bad.
We got an Excellent.
Which is pretty good, but ehhhh"/

Poker Night was tonight at my house.
We celebrated my dad's birthday.

Jenee, Ryan, &Natalie came over.
OMG, they're alllll crazy. lol.

Natalie is nastyyyy.

[due to parental problems I can no longer show videos of Natalie anymore]

Jenee you be goin overboard.
You need to calm down with that.

That's why I pushed you dowwwnnn!!

<3 Giselle.Marie

My Thought: why'd I say anything in the first place????

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Day4: Feb 19. O SHYT! lmfaoo...

Happy Birthday to my grandma & Mrs. Meyer!!!
2 old ladies. =]

Today was dreary.
It rained.
& the new bell got on my nerves.

There's some new political cartoon of
Barack Obama referring to him as a monkey.
Which refers to black people as monkeys.
You tell me what you think.

(i'll put a pic up when i find it)

That's about it.

Mark took me home which was soo funny.

So we went to Julian's house (he's cute)
let's just say its not something to blog about.

ily Mark.


<3 Giselle.Marie

QOD: "I'd rather be a monkey and not a human." -Reese
My Thought: Mark you're dangerous!!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Day3: Feb 18. dumb bells...

Happy Birthday to my dad!!!!
The big 40!

My dumb homeroom teacher took my camera!
who confiscates cameras nowadays?!
whatever I'm gonna get it tomorrow.


So because some girl had a seizure from our old bell;
they're going to install new bells.
they were absolutely annoying!
i was hearing doorbells!& you could barely hear them

So I learned something new in Biology.
Platypuses are not mammals, they are monotremes.
& ducks are aves.

Go figure?

For some reason random universities are mailing me
I don't want to go to USF, UF, UK, or whatever!
I want to go to NEW YORKKKK!

I went driving today!
that was so much fun.
& I saw Mark but he didn't see me.

We went out for some birthday dinner @

yup that place is gooodd.
but don't sit outside at night.
it's so cold&windy. -_-

<3 Giselle.Marie

QOD: "Are Jackalopes real?..They're not!, but I saw it on Scooby Doo!. If a talking dog told me it's real, IT'S REAL!" - Joey.

My Thought: AP World History should die.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Day2: Feb 17. and his nose was like a blood waterfall...

So today the topic at school was mainly
about the fight that broke out
at Nydia's party.
|and of course I would leave before the fight!|

long story short:
some "kids" came and crashed her party; Nydia's family whooped they ass.

Owell. not my prob.

& then a fight broke out at school about Nydia!

& i didn't get to see it!
that's what i get for going to the bathroom and buying a poptart. "/

Today Reese had some theory about gayness in the world.

Reese's Theory of Gayness:
"Eve was made from Adam, so part of her is a man-that little rib thing- so then that means that we're all guys! So we're all gay!!!!"

lmao Reese; you're crazy.

I love the Seniors; they make me laugh soooo much.

Keith's "nappyhaired" brush.


lmao! Post-Its on Nabil's car!!

this pic is priceless!

Sometimes school just amuses me so much. =]

<3 Giselle.Marie

QOD: "I got everything in this car. I got clothes that ain't mine, I got jackets; you want jackets?" -Nabil!!!!

My Final Thought: Band music gives me headachesss -_-

O, and I might cut my hair....

wow I have the worst f.cking headacheeeee!!
Algebra 2 sucks hair balls. =]

Day1: Feb 16. technically it's 105 days, but....

So I got inspired by Mark Jones to make a blog.


He's so cool, i love him and everything he does.
Dznr Emjay's Blog

So this blog will be about my life until the day I turn 16; June 2nd.
my life has its interesting moments....
and besides, I have nothing else productive to do with my time.

Recap on the weekend.

Feb. 14
Happy Valentine's Day!
my mom left to New Jersey; she's coming back wed.

Feb. 15
Happy Birthday Nydia!
FunkyFresh 80's!

her entrance

it was so hype man.

Mark&Kiara are amazing dancers!!!

Kiara mi Dominicana!
girl can danceee!



I had the best time of my life.

Happy Birthday Reese!!!
I have your balloons!

That's about it.

<3 Giselle.Marie