Sunday, April 5, 2009

Day49: April 5. $$$$

Sunday, practice.
I was distant.

After that we had a little trip toooo

I've never been there before; so it was pretty exciting

It was about a good 2 1/2 hours in there.
Between me, Bebe, and Mami; $175.82 was spent.
That was with Stephany's 20% discount.
I don't think I've ever spent so much on clothes.
But shyt it was wonderful. =]

Applebee's came after that.
That "2 for $20" deal is amazing.
It's so much fooodddd!
Omg, I'm amazing I ate all of it.

Soooo that's about it.
Poker is at my house tonight.
Now that it's Spring Break, poker is gonna be like every night.

<3 Giselle.Marie

QOD: "Bring me a damp napkin." -me
"So you want me to get a napkin and wet it for you?" -Bebe

My Thought: I'll be fine.

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