Thursday, April 9, 2009

Day53: April 9. to bowl or not to bowl...

Another boring day of Spring Break.
I wish I had a car.

So today Jasmin made plans for the court to go bowling like at 7.
& then I txted her around 5 asking what time we had to be there, and she was like,
"o, i forgot to tell you. ppl can't make it, movies tomorrow"

O well thx Jasmin!
I would've looked like an idiot waiting at PinChasers.
Ugh, that was my only chance of going out today.

So remember how I've been saying that I have to do homework.

Yea, I haven't even started.

I should because, tomorrow is Friday so I have to clean the house & go to the movies, then Saturday there's a party and knowing me, I'm going to wake up late and spend the whole day getting ready.

So yea.
I'll jump on that.

I hate my teacher.
Just because she ain't gettin any during the break doesn't mean that I can't.
haha ;]

<3 Giselle.Marie

QOD: I haven't talked to anyone.

My Thought: Why has Bebe been out more than me? That's sad...

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