Saturday, April 11, 2009

Day54: April 10. :'(

Ok so, I don't remember what I did today.
Except for what happened to my computer.

There was something wrong with my computer & it wouldn't let me play this video game.

So me & Kiko went on different technical support sites and such.
and it was just installing, uninstalling, restarting, file opening in computer most of the day.

& i guess I uninstalled something, so now my computer looks funny, there's no sound coming out of it.
I can't even put it on stand by because it doesn't give me that option anymore.

I really don't know what to do.

Kiko keeps telling me that I'm being dramatic.
But seriously, If you f.cked up your computer & didn't know how to fix it; wouldn't you be all worried too?!

I hate this dumb laptop, I just want to throw it away.

They shoulod have some warranty like;
"You break it, we replace it"


< / 3 Giselle.Marie

QOD: "Here's your PlayStation, I mean your phone." -Rafaelito

My Thought: Why in the world would they play "Stanky Leg" on the radio?!

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