Monday, April 13, 2009

Day57: April 13. what the, school?!

So this marks the end of Spring Break 09'
It wasn't that great anyways.

So I was actually excited to go to school.
I wanted to see ppl, and see my teachers.
But once I hit 6th per. I was dead.
I felt like I was sleep walking.

anyways, so I come back to a pregnant teacher.
& NO, she didn't get pregnant over Spring Break.
She's known for a month but we just found out now.

She was all sick and was like, "I'm on the verge of throwing up"
So that's what she did, and when she left we were discussing her symptoms; and came up with the conclusion that she's pregnant.
She finally let out the secret, that freak. =]

I'm gonna get her one of these.

French say the least, frightening.
Idk what the hell happened to Juan over Spring Break; I guessed he missed me- ALOT.

Every 5 minutes.
Whenever I turned my head, his face was there and he would throw his face at e, pucker his lips and try to kiss me!
& what's really scary is that he got so close, many times!

I felt harrassed.
I'm scared to go to school tomorrow. "/

<3 Giselle.Marie

QOD: "Is it bad when your dick touches the water when you sit down?" -Juan

My Thought: AHHHHHH!

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