Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Day44: Mar 31. mission impossible!

March went by quick!

I don't remember school because so much went on at once!

Spring Break is coming and I'm so excited!
I don't even know what I'm doing yet and I'm looking forward to it.

Ok so today the girls from the court (Me, Nydia, Ale, Steph, & Rosanna)
Went to the mall to get our polos for our photo shoot thing.

So we got those, and then we went to get our shoes which we needed badly.

I'll give you a little overview of what happened.

-Went to Citrus; didn't have enough sizes at Traffic; called Brandon, Countryside, & University malls; put the shoes on hold.
-Went to University; went to about 5 other stores looking for different shoes; THEY didn't have enough.
-We ended up at the place called Shoe Connection.
They had all the sizes expect one size 10, they were getting a shipment in next week.
But they're return policy is 7 days, we definitely need more time than that!

(only thing I hate about them ghetto stores is that you can't return for nothing.)

-Went to Traffic there, they had our shoes that we called for + EXTRA!
We got that size 10!!!
We had tears of joy.

So we went back to Citrus to get the others that were on hold.

If you couldn't add that up; that's ALOT of walking & driving back and forth!
Our feet were killlingg uss.
But shoes are worth it.

A girl can never have enough shoes, EVER.

But Mission Accomplished!
We got our shoes.

Oh, biscuitttt.
You WISH you had shoes like these!
lol, jk.

It took us from 3:45-7 to find some damn shoes.

All because of Bianca and her big ass size 10 feet.
Girl is like Big Foot!

So now I have a ton of HW to do.

<3 Giselle.Marie

QOD: "Joe! You have small earholes! Can you hear me?!" -me

My Thought: I like huge lollipops =]

It took Me, Ale, & Rosanna to finish 1/4 of that shyt!
It's in Stephany's car, melting somewhere. =]

Monday, March 30, 2009

Day43: Mar 30. what a headacheeee

What a day!

School wasn't as hectic as I thought it would be.
Typical Monday.

So after school was where my headache started.
So AP Unit Questions are due tom.
& this is where the fun starts where we text each other essay-long answers and we all get mixed up and we don't know who's doing what and all that good stuff.

So this is how it went.
I was texting Jasmin, Ale was texting Jasmin, I was texting Ale, Ilisha was texting Ale, and probably some other person that I don't know about was involved.

Jasmin was like, "imagine if we couldn't text", wow.
I had a revelation.
Without texting, I couldn't survive, seriously.

So on top of all that texting, there was some more coming on.
We had some complications in Ale's court because we're planning on doing to the beach and doing a video shoot thing for the slide show at her party.
& all the partners had to match and wear the same colors.

So I had about 5 EXTRA ppl txting me asking, "when is it? what are we doing? where are the shirts? did you see them? how do we match? does it have to be the same? do we get it by ourselves?"

Omg, i was having conversations that I wasn't even aware of!

Txting is an addiction

That is what I did all day, I'm serious.

So my fingers hurt.

<3 Giselle.Marie

QOD: "Yo, my underwear feels so good dawg" -Reese

*Juan sprays cologne* "What smells like toast?" -Carolina

"You don't understand anything I'm saying!" -me
"I don't speak stupid" -Chris P.

My Thought: We need some kind of mind reading device.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Day42: Mar 29. don't drop me!


Today was the last practice at the studio with our dancers.
*tear* I'm gonna miss them.

But yea we finished the Salsa with the dip at the end.
omgggg, I think I did that dip maybe 20 times before getting it right.
I elbowed Chris (my partner) in the face a couple times.
I got cramps up my leg.
It was crazy, but we got it!
It looks good!

I would show you but I don't want to ruin the surprise.

So that's what I did today.

I didn't end up going to Ybor.
& my parents when out to the movies with out us & aren't back yet.

I remembered I have a big test on some book tomorrow, so I'm here copying some notes into my iPod.

The wonders of technology. xD

<3 Giselle.Marie

QOD: "Your face should be registered as a lethal weapon" -Steve Urkel

My Thought: I'm sick of the Arab&Black jokes. Seriously, lets grow up.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Day41: Mar 28. all work&no play..

Ahhhhh, the wonders of homework.
Hate it with a passion that burns with the intensity of a thousand suns.

That's what I'm doing now.
That's what I've been doing since about 2pm.
That's what I'm going to do for the rest of the night.

Hope you had more fun then I did.

I'm literally dying here.

<3 Giselle.Marie

QOD: "Tomorrow we're going to I-bor"
"Don't you mean Ybor Mami?"
" Si si, I-bor, I-bor" - lmao, my mom

My thought:

Day40: Mar 27. dramaaaa..

Friday O Friday.

So we had a random pep rally today.
I didn't mind because I missed playing my trumpet so I had fun.
So the old pep rally routine.
Cheerleaders cheer, Dancers dance, Teams come out, Band plays, technical difficulties, and Miss Issac has her "Raven moment".
Its all in good fun.

It was the last pep rally of the year so I wasn't going to mope about it.

The dancer's routine was so pretty.
It showed that they can dance to other types of music.

Ok so the drama started after the pep rallies.

This is what I heard....

There were 3 fights.
There was one during my lunch that I got to see!
But in Ilisha's words, "That wasn't even a real fight. That kid was smilin, he's soft"
So yea.
Idk bout the other 2.

But then something typical happened.
People got caught smoking.
I heard that they were smoking in the bathroom in 900, but Sammy told me it was in the hallway.

What kind of dumbass would walk around the hallway smoking some weed acting lik nothing is gonna happen?
Obviously a pot head.
That is so sad.

You should just quit before something worse happens.

So all the APs were roaming the school and watching people.
& the teachers were being extra cautious.
& they even made an announcement saying not to hang around the courtyard (flagpole) and to go straight home.
This is exactly what Mr.Glover said, "I will not allow this school to be turned into some thug school where kids can do whatever they want."

Alonso will never be a "thug school";
there's too many white people.


Anyways; on with our lives....

Juan I have no words for you!

You're so crazy!

Mami took me to Applebee's after school.
I have no idea why but I wasn't gonna argue.
That "2 for $20" is a good deal but it's alot of food!
We didn't finish anything!

<3 Giselle.Marie

QOD: "Legally my penis is abnormally large. In the state of Florida I'm a threat to women" -Juan

"Guys I need a girl friend."
"You don't need a girl friend, you just need a fuck buddy" -People on my bus

My Thought: I miss Mr.Norton!

I hope his surgery went well.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Day39: Mar 26. business is booming..

Today was a good day.
I woke up with a great attitude.
IT was just one of those days to be happy about.

So the Student Gov't. elections are being held.
& we were in HR to see all the candidates.
& there was this one girl, Chanae Cleavland, she cracked me up!

She was so excited & she had such attitude when she talked.
The only annoything thing was she kept saying her name.
Ex: "So vote for me, Chanae Cleavland for a fun & better year next year. And if you want more privliges around the school, vote for me, Chanae Cleavland. So don't forget to vote Chanae Cleavland.!"

I swear if she said her name anymore I was going to throw my shoe at the TV!

Anyways, I have a little business going on with my bracelets.
It's actually going pretty good.
Charging 50&75 cents.
I can make a lot of money that way, TRUST ME!

I even have orders from Leto HS because of Carlito.

In Driver's ED Coach took some of us out into traffic.
I was scared.
I'm scared to drive onto streets like Hillsborough, Waters, Sheldon, Montague.
Those are what I call "real streets".
I drive in neighborhoods where the only danger to me is squirrels jumping in the road.

Yea, its sad.

Peace out
<3 Giselle.Marie

QOD: "It's the GOD of all Doritos!" -Reese

My Thought: Its not called sucking up, it's called "being liked better than the others" =]

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Day38: Mar 25. el diablo!!

I woke up @ 7am today.
7am, that's the time i normally leave my house for school.

Anyways, I got there late but we were in HR so it mad no difference.
Report Cards!!!
I was kind of happy to get mine...

You know what that highlighted part means, I made ATeam!

If I didn't make ATeam this 9weeks I was gonna be really pissed.
I missed the last one and everyone was asking me why I didn't make it.
*cough* AP World *cough*

So yea, I was looking forward to that all day.

So if you've never been to ATeam & you don't know what we do, lemme break it down for ya....

ATeam is a little party the school throws for kids that make As & Bs.
They give us food and then we play like 5 rounds of BINGO.
It's pretty fun if you get into it like I do.

I get really into BINGO.
I yell and jump and get really rude.

So Francsco was sitting with his little group of spanish kids; and they were all loud and disruptive.
(what do you expect? Spics)

So we were playing the first round of BINGO, and after awhile there's a bunch of drumming behind me.
Francisco won!!!!
I was so madddddd!

Second Round: another spic from the SAME TABLE won!

Thrid&Fourth Round: AGAIN! I thought I was gonna have to call immigration or something.

Fifth Round (cover all): ok so in this round you have to have the whole BINGO board covered in order to win.

After awhile, the drumming comes again!

I was seriously mad.
They're table was cursed with good luck. -_-

Look how close I was!!!!

That ruined my day.
Aye Dios Mio!

<3 Giselle.Marie

QOD: "Give me a knife to shoot myself" -Ale

"What's wrong with Giselle?" -Jasmin
"Everything" -Ale

My Thought: I should have stole his gift card when I had the chance.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Day37: Mar 24. ...

My hair was out of control today.
I do admit, it wasn't workin for me.

According to Corrine I can pull of the look.
But I think not.

Anyways, test in AP World today.
Which meant scrambling for last minute copying.
Those worksheets get passed around to at least 5 different people.
I copied them from Jasmin, she got them from Cori, who got it from Christina, who got it from Ale.
Wth, we're such procrastinators =]

Soooo, i hate driving with SPICS in Driver's Ed.

I just can't, Jose Feliciano...yea, he's a spic.
& so is Wilmer.
Omg, I wanted to run them over like I did them cones.

& can somebody PLEASE explain to me why we got our seats changed in French?
I really didn't understand, and neither did Ms. Bennett
with that confused look on her face.

You can get away with murder in that class & she won't notice.

<3 Giselle.Marie

QOD: "I love your hair, I could never pull off the 'wild thing' " -Corrine.
"Did you just call me physco?" -me

My Thought: It's not that big of a deal.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Day36: Mar 23. monday already?!

I didn't want the weekend to end. =[
But Owell.

So people have a weird thing about my hair when it's a curly.
Either it looks like dreads or its "crazy sex hair"

I can't help it if my hair won't curl, it's permed.
I have black people hair.
You understand.

So yea I admit my hair was pretty up there today.
But idc, I was workin it.
I was on that "Jungle Fever" as someone said =]

Martin, is ridiculous.
He's funny, but it gets to a point where he needs to stop.
Once you cross that line, it's done.

Erik I WILL get you one day.
Best believe.

So Carlito picked me up After School and took me to WalMart; we needed to print some pictures.
& I was so scared because of the whole "gang killing" going on over there.
Tio made it even worse!
"WalMart?! Who goes to WalMart on Mondays, you go on Wednesdays. Be careful, they're killing people at WalMart."
"I'll give my wife all the money I have for her to go to WalMart everyday."

He's kidding.
But still, that's scary.

So we went to Micheal's
& I got stringggggg!!!!!
I was so happy.
Me&Carlito were in string heaven.
We were running around like "do these colors match? which pack should I get?! I want all of them!"

There was more, wayyyy more.
& it was orgasmic.


QOD: "Nobody likes a girl with a potty mouth" -Perry

"We have to keep the car balanced, the 2 fat guys in the front" -Tio

"Trust me when I run a bitch over in NY, I'm gone! Nobody know me over there!" -Carlito

My Thought: I want my car.

Day35: Mar 22. & more cake!

Sunday, means practice.
So we did, at Ale's house.
We didn't really need to because we have the dance down pretty good.

So after that, the whole court took a little trip to Clearwater for a pool party
at Ale's aunts house; which may I add, is huge!

Ok so,
*Note to self: Never ride with Carlito to Clearwater, on E.
It was f.ckin ridiculous.
I was praying the whole time that we didn't die.
I was so scared!

We were gettin it though!

Her pool is bangin.

We had soooooo much fun.
It was ridiculous.

She had a Moon Bounce!
Who has a Moon Bounce?!

That slide was soooo much fun.

That Jacuzzi was popping.

I swear every party we go to Carlito ends up with cake on his face!

& omg.
It really is a bad idea to put money in a pinata
& tell some teenagers.
Because we will trample all over those lil kids!
Look at my brother!

I love these people.
They make life worth living.

So after most of them left I was still there with my parents & such.
So I decided to have a little fun of my own on the jungle gym

& btw, I didn't eat any cake.
But I ate some good food.
look how much Sammy liked it!

I hope you're weekend was as good as mine.
<3 Giselle.Marie

QOD: "I thought you guys would look better wet" -Sammy

"I've had enough peoples' fingers in my butt for one day!" -Rosanna

My Thought: I want a Moon Bounce!

Day34: Mar 21. cake.

I needed a new bathing suit.
My other one was not lookin cute with all the chicos.

So we spent all day looking!
This world is ridiculous.

We found a really cute one a JCPenny but it ended up being $6o!
I'd rather go naked

So then we traveled to Target.
We got one but not as cute.
At least it covered stuff up.

I don't like being OVER exposed.

So of course another birthday.
Happy Birthday Karina & Giselle!
ironic huh?

So Giselle turned 18 xD
&Kari turn 6

That little demon child.
I love her.

No but seriously she's crazyyyyy

She may look all sweet&cute; but I guarantee she would take that piece of cake and throw it at you!

That was another cake I couldn't have =[

Actually Steph let me&Ale have some.
So she gave us one piece and cut it in half -_-
I was NOT happy.

Who shares cake?!
That's like sharing a toliet seat....it's not possible.


QOD: Nothing I remember.

My Thought: They need to make a bathing suit in my size!

Day33: Mar 20. cake.

*This will be hard remembering my whole weekend. Bare with me*

Friday, friday, friday, friday.

Ok, so like I've said before Friday is the best day of the week.

*blank stare*

lol, I don't remember much of school.

Well there was the Pre-Evaluation thing for Middle School bands today.
& I of course signed up to work at it because I figured,
"What the hell, my brother's in band, I'll get to see him play
+ community service hours"
So me&Rosanna did it.

I was WRONG!
Middle Schoolers are the worst.

6th Graders- don't shut up, short attention span, don't know right from wrong.
*smack in the face*

7th&8th Graders- even worse; they think they know everything, so they don't listen.
*shoot in the head*

& a group of Farnell kids thought it was funny to make fun of me
when I was yelling at them.
Um no boo boo, watch next year when you're a freshman;
I'll make you life miserable.

Erik Brignoni!
He has a twin!

We saw Erik's little brother Josh at the band thing.
At first me and Rosanna were like, "Did you see that kid that looks like Erik?!?!"
& we went up to Erik and he was all casual, "That's my brother"

& we couldn't get over how much they look alike!
They even run the same!

Later that night...

If you know me, then you would know that; every night is Poker Night.


Happy Birthday Dona Negra!
I love her, she took care of me when I was little.
She's a cool grandma.

Ok so Stephany is seriously trippin.
She's putting all the girls in Ale's court on the strict diet of no rice and no eating after 7pm.

1) I'm DOMINICAN, that means I need to have rice to function properly.
2) Everything in this family starts after 7pm! I'm not gonna be able to eat anything!

I had no cake that night. =[

<3 Giselle.Marie

QOD: "OK I need to leave, my weave is bunching up. *looks at me* I was impersonating you" -Erik

"We don't play with food, we eat that shit!" -Carlito

My Thought: Putting sugar in flowers helps them live longer

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Day32: Mar 19. what thee?!

For you're info, I did match today.
Obviously no one looked at my earring and saw that they were red
& matched with my shoes.
& who says black&white&red don't go together?!
And I am aware of the fact that my bag was blue, IDC;
I grabbed the first purse I saw and left.


^^ matching.

^^ matching.

^^ & more matching!

So since that's all cleared up.
I noticed that I look better when I'm sick.
I try to cover up the "I'm sick get away face" with my clothes.

I am really slacking in school.
I'm behind on sooo many things.
I've been copying outlines from Ilisha since like last Friday.
I have 2 weeks of Alg2 homework to do.
& I'm behind on Chemistry online.

But guess what?
I still managed to make Ateam!

So Andre talked to me today about me posting
the little story he told me on Tuesday (Mar.17)
He was like "Man, why you got to put stuff on dee internet man?"
It was so funny.
But maybe if he didn't MAKE UP a story; I wouldn't have posted anything.

Andre Parsons is

He probably stole that iPod Touch.

Lmao, kidding Andre don't have a cow.

After School I took a little trip to the doctor which is never fun.
I have this Asian dude & I can't understand a word he says!
But he wasn't there so I got this nice *white* guy.
(Asians should stick to taxes)
^^ kiddinggg!! haha!

no but seriously....

He told me I had the Flu.
Everyone kept telling me that but I didn't know because I've never had it.
So he told me that.

& then he checked my ears, and he pushed my ear in,
& it hurt like a bitch.
omg, worst pain.

So with that said, I have an ear infection (wtf?!)
Idk, something about body swelling (explains my tongue) &
fluid getting stuck in your ear, and blah blah blah...


& hi to any new readers out there =]

<3 Giselle.Marie

QOD: "You look like a zebra with no feet" -Bebe (my brother)

My Thought: People need to tighten up. ASAP