Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Day44: Mar 31. mission impossible!

March went by quick!

I don't remember school because so much went on at once!

Spring Break is coming and I'm so excited!
I don't even know what I'm doing yet and I'm looking forward to it.

Ok so today the girls from the court (Me, Nydia, Ale, Steph, & Rosanna)
Went to the mall to get our polos for our photo shoot thing.

So we got those, and then we went to get our shoes which we needed badly.

I'll give you a little overview of what happened.

-Went to Citrus; didn't have enough sizes at Traffic; called Brandon, Countryside, & University malls; put the shoes on hold.
-Went to University; went to about 5 other stores looking for different shoes; THEY didn't have enough.
-We ended up at the place called Shoe Connection.
They had all the sizes expect one size 10, they were getting a shipment in next week.
But they're return policy is 7 days, we definitely need more time than that!

(only thing I hate about them ghetto stores is that you can't return for nothing.)

-Went to Traffic there, they had our shoes that we called for + EXTRA!
We got that size 10!!!
We had tears of joy.

So we went back to Citrus to get the others that were on hold.

If you couldn't add that up; that's ALOT of walking & driving back and forth!
Our feet were killlingg uss.
But shoes are worth it.

A girl can never have enough shoes, EVER.

But Mission Accomplished!
We got our shoes.

Oh, biscuitttt.
You WISH you had shoes like these!
lol, jk.

It took us from 3:45-7 to find some damn shoes.

All because of Bianca and her big ass size 10 feet.
Girl is like Big Foot!

So now I have a ton of HW to do.

<3 Giselle.Marie

QOD: "Joe! You have small earholes! Can you hear me?!" -me

My Thought: I like huge lollipops =]

It took Me, Ale, & Rosanna to finish 1/4 of that shyt!
It's in Stephany's car, melting somewhere. =]

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