Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Day31: Mar 18. o lord.

I DID NOT want to come to school today.
But my exam exemptions count on my absences.

Want to know how you have a fever?
When you're freezing cold and it's hot as hell outside.
I thought I looked retarded walking around with my jacket.

So, ok, I think some people need to be told to shut the hell up.
Vaughn(black kid w. dreads) is so damn loud in lunch that all i hear is him.
& when I turned around he was holding a chair in the air
about to hit some girl!
Nigguh is physcoooo.

Some teachers are so slow that they don't realize when they've checked something.
Either they lose your work or you haven't turned in something
when you really have.

I haven't driven in 2 days because Coach Faedo put me in jail for not doing my work.
I specifically remember giving him my work, him putting in my grade, and handing it back to me.

Stupid Driver's Ed teachers.

I'm always in a pissy mood for some reason.
I really don't know why.
I think it's the weather.
One day it's cold, the next it's hot, and the next day it's raining.
It really don't make no kind of sense.

Ms. Bennet is getting on my last damn nerves.
Idk why but she just is.
& for some reason it be smelling jank outside her classroom.
Someone must of thrown up some rotten eggs from her teaching skills.

<3 Giselle.Marie

QOD: "Everybody & they mama work at CrackerBarrel" -Reese
"Every BLACK person & they mama work over there" -Ilisha

"Why are you petting me?" -me
"Cuz you're my dawg" -Juan

My Thought: People need some strong antiperspirant in our school.

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