Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Day38: Mar 25. el diablo!!

I woke up @ 7am today.
7am, that's the time i normally leave my house for school.

Anyways, I got there late but we were in HR so it mad no difference.
Report Cards!!!
I was kind of happy to get mine...

You know what that highlighted part means, I made ATeam!

If I didn't make ATeam this 9weeks I was gonna be really pissed.
I missed the last one and everyone was asking me why I didn't make it.
*cough* AP World *cough*

So yea, I was looking forward to that all day.

So if you've never been to ATeam & you don't know what we do, lemme break it down for ya....

ATeam is a little party the school throws for kids that make As & Bs.
They give us food and then we play like 5 rounds of BINGO.
It's pretty fun if you get into it like I do.

I get really into BINGO.
I yell and jump and get really rude.

So Francsco was sitting with his little group of spanish kids; and they were all loud and disruptive.
(what do you expect? Spics)

So we were playing the first round of BINGO, and after awhile there's a bunch of drumming behind me.
Francisco won!!!!
I was so madddddd!

Second Round: another spic from the SAME TABLE won!

Thrid&Fourth Round: AGAIN! I thought I was gonna have to call immigration or something.

Fifth Round (cover all): ok so in this round you have to have the whole BINGO board covered in order to win.

After awhile, the drumming comes again!

I was seriously mad.
They're table was cursed with good luck. -_-

Look how close I was!!!!

That ruined my day.
Aye Dios Mio!

<3 Giselle.Marie

QOD: "Give me a knife to shoot myself" -Ale

"What's wrong with Giselle?" -Jasmin
"Everything" -Ale

My Thought: I should have stole his gift card when I had the chance.

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